For Professionals
Medical Specialists
Our doctors value a close working relationship with our specialist colleagues, and Specialist consultants are always welcomed for a meet and greet with our doctors.
We hold educational small group learning meetings monthly and welcome any specialist who wishes to do a presentation please contact us.
We use Medical Director as our software program and all of our doctors are able to receive communications electronically via medical objects and would encourage specialists to communicate in this way.
Additionally, we are able to send referrals via medical objects if desired.
Allied Health Professionals
Our doctors enjoy a good working relationship with other health professionals in our area and we maintain a very comprehensive database of physiotherapists, dentists, chiropractors, osteopaths, dieticians, podiatrists, acupuncturists, speech pathologists, child workers, psychologists, occupational therapists, exercise physiologists, optometrists, social workers, personal trainers and alternative therapists.
We would encourage you to send us an introductory note with your skills and special interests to enter into our database.
We encourage a close relationship with our nearby pharmacies and if you have any problems with prescriptions that we have ordered, please feel free to call. Please do not provide prescription drugs to patients with out the valid scripts. In such circumstances please contact our clinic.